Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Dressing outside of the box

Unless you are lucky enough to be self-employed, chances are that what you wear to work everyday is dictated by an office dress code. The rest of us may not not only have a dress code, but one that is quite strict requiring some sort of suiting for the majority of the week. While yes, we are required to adhere to the guidelines that have been established, but there is no excuse for losing yourself and becoming a corporate clone.

The Meriam-Webster dictionary defines style as a distinctive manner of expression. Although some of us need a little more help than others, style is personal and unique to every individual. It is important to learn to add a heaping dose of YOU to your work wardrobe.

Color is a wonderful way to personalize something like a boring suit. You can inject the color almost anywhere. For those of us who are very feminine and girly, a touch of pink in the form of a fabulous shirt peeking through can go a long way in brightening the day. If you are a bit more adventurous it may take a bolder color like yellow or orange or a sultry jewel tone to satisfy your color craving. Another fun way to play with color is to incorporate it in the main portion of your suit rather than just an accent.

If the romantic in you is fighting to be uncovered, you should be more than comfortable letting that side of you be seen. You can start in a more subtle way by maintaining a traditional color like black or navy while choosing a flouncy pleat to add movement and counteract the rigidity of your environment. If Ruffles are your thing then I say why not go all the way. As long as all other lines in your ensemble are clean, then the ruffles strategically placed will bring attention to your face and isn't that important in the office anyway?

Prints and bold graphics are another excellent way to bring your personality to center stage. Taller and plus size ladies really get a chance to shine with prints since there are numerous prints that can compliment their stature and not overpower them. A graphic print even dressed down to a business casual can be a tool cleverly used to hide flaws but keep the fun factor alive by distracting the eye.

If all else fails, nothing safely (read: super dress code friendly) helps to throw a little self expression into the mix like accessories. Just remember that items like belts and bags should be selected in proportion to your frame. Accessories are entirely another beast....don't worry we will talk about them in depth later. Right now you don't have time, you have some shopping to do....well WE have some shopping to do, meet ya at the mall!

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