It is that time of year season. Either you look forward to it and love it or dread and despise it. While it might be fun to hang out with the boys, it is never fun to be mistaken for one. Rather that dust off your old boxy boy-cut jersey from your favorite team, why not take advantage of the girlie options now available.
There are more options out there than you might think. You can represent your favorite college or professional team in all all aspects of your everyday life. Whether you are out taking a jog, attending a yoga class, or just lounging in a sweat pant, your love of the Chicago Bears, for example can still be displayed.
Specialty items are also available, such as jewelry, totes/bags, shoes and sports bras. The sizing for the clothing items are standard and are available in a wide range of sizes.
Jersey Size
Size Number
Now that you are no longer stuck in "man-gear" while enjoying your favorite game this fall, feel free to tailgate, cheer and yell at the referee....while looking cute!
Your hands are one of the first things that people notice when interacting with you. This is reason enough to make sure that your hands and nails are always presentable. Although people have always cared about manicures and pedicures, it seems that nails have now firmly taken their spot in fashion and serve not only as a matter of grooming, but also an expression of personal style.
There are as many nail trends out there as there are fashion trends. Here is a quick guide to help you navigate:
Nail Shape: Square, rounded or oval
Square has been the prominent shape for quite some time now for both long and short nails. The shape has a bit of a masculine edge to it and structurally is the strongest shape for the nail. This shape can be viewed as "neat and classic", but is merely a matter of opinion. It is undeniably the most popular shape of nails at this time.
There is something very feminine about the rounded nail. Whether long or short, it gives the illusion of an elongated nail bed and daintier fingers. This shape is certainly beginning to give the square shape competition and is in the midst of resurgence. The oval, which is an exaggerated round is easier to adapt for the avant garde. The long and pointy are called stiletto nails. The look can take the vampy route when painted with darker colors or can be softened by lighter lacquer choices.
Nail Color: From Nudes to Brights
Nude is simple and universal but most of all safe. Why not shake it up with a wide spectrum of color choices. Whether it be the soft and trendy pastels to the bold and beautiful vibrant bright. Live a little and be adventurous from time to time.
Prints and Designs
The old adage of less is more has now been converted to more is more....and better! Whether there it is vintage floral nail prints inspired by the Vivian Westwood models coming down the runway or eye popping 3-d designs jumping off the nails of pop stars, there is no denying the impact that these designs have made. It is not uncommon at all now to see these designs on the masses. Many of these options are certainly not your most professional or practical of choices and certainly can be quite pricey. However, if you are in a creative field, a younger girl or just determined and young at heart, this could be a fun option.
This blog focuses on the clothing choices that are best for YOU. While trend is important, topics such as fit, figure flattery and price-points are also important. Inspsiration comes from everywhere, the everyday woman to the celebrity in the spotlight.
Rookwood Wardrobing's services are Wardrobe Consulting and Personal Shopping. Averjill is your guide to all things fashion, so all questions and comments are welcome. You can contact me via email at